A Song of Ice and Fire is © 1996-2010 George R.

A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide, A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, SIFRP, and associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide is © 2010 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. Martin for creating A Song of Ice and Fire in the first place. To Jesse Scoble and all the folks who worked on the Guardians of Order Game of Thrones, you left big shoes to fill. Thanks also to the folks at and we couldn’t have done this book without your incredible efforts. Schwalb Robert Schwalb would like to thank Bill, Steve, Nicole, Hal, Chris, Evan, and Marc, for giving him a place in one of the best damned game companies in the industry. Papsuev, Andrew Paquette, Martina Pilcerova, Gabrielle Portal,Evan Shipard, Christophe Swal Green Ronin President: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, and Robert J. Interior Art: Tyshan Carey, Felicia Cano, Mike Capprotti, Chris Dien, Mark Evans, Ted Galaday, Chris Griffin, Jeff Himmelman, Tomasz Jedruzek, Veronica Jones, Jason Juta, Michael Komarck, Pat Loboyko, Martin Lutz, Britt Martin, Steve Mabee, John Matson, Franz Miklis, German Nobile, Torstein Nordstrand, Roman V. Kirby, Evan Sass, Jon Leitheusser, Hal Mangold Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Michael Komarck Stephens Development: Steve Kenson Editing: Kara Hamilton, Jesse Scoble, and Steve Kenson Proofreading: Steve Kenson, Brian e. Kirby, Jon Leitheusser, Anthony Pryor, Robert J.